Thursday, July 14, 2011

Creating a Fantastic Business Card

Today i will show you how you can create your own Business Card using photoshop. You can use this tutorial for your own business or website if you like. So, let's have a try...


Lets start of by creating a new blank document in photoshop.
Make sure you use the settings below: Width 3,75 inch, Height 2,25 inch and the Resolution 300.
Business Card 1

Now we need to set some guide lines. Because the outer lines are cut lines, they will be cut away when you print your design. The second line is a safety line. Set the outer lines to 38px and the inner lines to 75px.
Business Card 2-1
Business Card 2

Create a new layer and fill it with the color #090909 using the Paint Bucket Tool (press G).
Business Card 3

Now download this texture.

And place it on top of the other layers. Resize the texture till you have something like this.
Business Card 4

Now set the layer mode to Color Dodge and the opacity to 40%, You can use a lower or higher opacity if you like.
Business Card 5

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Now create a new layer and paint the borders with black, using a big soft brush (press B). I used a size 200 brush.
When u painted the borders set the opacity of the border layer to 40%.

Add some text, like your Company name, your Name, Email, Tel and Website. I used Verdana as text style, and added a little line below the company name.

I also added a little logo on the right corner:

Finish it, i wasn’t happy with the text order and found a typ error so i have changed it. I also added some cool splatters to the left and right. You can download these brushes here and you can use these brushes for free.

You are now done and have created your own business card, that you can use to promote your business or website.


Hope you can learn something new from this tutorial.
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Thank you :)
Reference: tutorialfreakz

1 comment:

  1. like the idea..I will definitely do same when design plastic business cards..thanks for sharing it with us.
