Today i would like to share how to create fantastic car using photoshop. In this tutorial we use fantastic method to make this effect. So, why not have a try...
Step 102
Reduce the opacity of the clouds using the Hue/Saturation tool (Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation or Ctrl+U).Step 103
Next, find and paste a picture of an airplane hanger. Use the Free Transform tool (Edit > Free Transform) to position, resize, and rotate the image into place like shown below.Step 104
Now use the Warp tool (Edit > Transform > Warp) to warp the image like shown below.Step 105
Use the Eraser tool with a hard edge to erase the areas outside of the windows.Step 106
Reduce the opacity to around 23%.Step 107
Choose Filter > Blur > Motion Blur using the settings shown below. The angle should match the slant of your car.Step 108
Create a selection like shown below.Step 109
Select the layer with the car body then select any selection tool. On your keyboard, press the arrow keys to nudge the selection to the left of the car slightly so that the selection. Right click on the selected area then choose Layer via Copy. Move this new layer back to the right to cover the door edge.Step 110
There will still be other parts of the door edge still visible. Use the same technique shown in the previous step to remove the rest of the door edge.Step 111
Create a new layer and position under the layer with the car body.Step 112
Se your foreground color to black. Create a path like shown below then in the Paths palette (Window > Paths), right click on the path and choose Stroke Path.Step 113
Duplicate the current layer (Ctrl+J) then use the Hue/Saturation tool (Ctrl+U or Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation) with the colorize option checked to change the color to a light blue like shown below. Move this layer slightly to the right.Step 114
Use the Eraser tool with a large brush and soft edge to erase the edges slightly so that the opacity is reduced slightly.Step 115
Use the Burn tool to add some shadows where appropriate like shown in the image below.Step 116
Use the Smudge tool to smudge the two lines together.Step 117
Open an image of a car with mufflers that you want to copy. Create a selection of the muffler then copy it to clipboard (Edit > Copy).Step 118
Paste it in the main document as the top layer. Use the Free Transform tool (Edit > Free Transform) to position, resize, and rotate into place.Step 119
Use the Eraser tool to erase the excess areas from the bottom. Use the Burn tool to burn the top left of the mufflers so that it looks like it is blended in.Step 120
Duplicate the layer then move it like shown below.Step 121
Create a new layer as the top layer the using the Brush tool, paint the area shown below with a dark blue color. A rough paint is fine.Step 122
Change the blending mode of the current layer to Overlay.Step 123
Create a new layer as the top layer then use the Line tool to draw some lines like shown below. If they appear as separate layers, merge them back into one layer.Step 124
Use the Smudge tool to smudge the lines like shown below to create the smoke.Step 125
Reduce the opacity to about 70%.Step 126
Choose Filter > Blur > Motion Blur then apply the settings shown below. The angle should match the horizontal angle of your car.Thank you for visit our blog.
Hope you can learn something new from this tutorial. You can share your thought & suggestion with us though comments below.
Hope you can learn something new from this tutorial. You can share your thought & suggestion with us though comments below.
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