Friday, March 2, 2012

How to Draw a Balloon in using Illustrator

balloon tutorial 1
1. At first draw a rectangle and color it with sky-blue and white gradient fill and no stroke.
balloon tutorial 2
2. Draw a Circle and color it with purple and white gradient fill and no stroke; then reshape the circle with "Direct Selection" Tool as shown in figure.  
balloon tutorial 3
3. Copy and paste the object and resize it; then place it on the 1st object. 
balloon tutorial 4
4. Again paste the previously copied object and resize it to make smaller than the 2nd object; place it on the 2nd object.
balloon tutorial 5
5 . Lastly make another object smaller than the 3rd object and place it on the 3rd object.
balloon tutorial 6
6. Select All and choose Object>Lock>Selection.
7. Now select the "Polygon" Tool and click anywhere on the work area; a window appears, set the value of  "Sides" by 16; then click ok. balloon tutorial 7
balloon tutorial 8
8. Then by the "Direct Selection" tool reshape the polygon by tracing the objects you drawn before (as like the figure)
balloon tutorial 9
9. Color it with no stroke and black and white gradient fill.
balloon tutorial 10
10. Make two more similar polygon by copying the previous one; Color them light blue and white gradient and lemon yellow and white gradient respectively.
balloon tutorial 11
11. Make a basket with "Pencil" Tool and fill it with "Turtle" swatch and black stroke. balloon tutorial 12
balloon tutorial 13
12. By selecting the "Rectangular Grid" Tool click anywhere on the work area; a window appears; set the value of  "Number" of Horizontal Dividers 1 and the value of "Number" of Vertical Dividers 7. balloon tutorial 14
balloon tutorial 15
13. With the "Direct selection" Tool change the shape of the grid as shown in figure.
balloon tutorial 16
14. Color the grid with no fill and light ash colored stroke of "Thick Pencil" brush. balloon tutorial 17
balloon tutorial 18
Hope you can learn something new from this tutorial.
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Reference: voidix

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