Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mini Bridge In Photoshop CS5

 The Preview Pod in Mini Bridge. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Photoshop CS2 introduced the world to Adobe Bridge, a separate companion program to Photoshop that replaced the old File Browser from previous versions and gave us an easy way to locate, manage and organize our ever-growing collection of photos. With Photoshop CS3 and CS4, Adobe continued to improve Bridge with new features and functionality, yet through it all, one obvious problem remained. Since Bridge was a separate, stand-alone program, any time we needed to locate and open a new image, we had to switch out of Photoshop, over to Bridge, then back to Photoshop again once we found the one we were looking for. It certainly wasn't the most efficient way to work, and for projects like photo collages or other designs that required multiple images, all that switching back and forth between the two programs could easily derail your train of thought and break the creative flow.

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With the release of Photoshop CS5, Bridge is still a separate program, but Adobe has introduced a brand new feature known as Mini Bridge, a new panel in Photoshop that acts sort of like a window between Photoshop and Bridge, allowing us to view and access our images in Bridge without needing to switch to it! With Mini Bridge, we can navigate to the folder that contains the image(s) we need, preview all the images in the folder, and open the ones we want without ever leaving Photoshop! Of course, the word "Mini" in its name is a clue that Mini Bridge was not meant as a replacement for the full version of Bridge. There's many advanced features in Adobe Bridge CS5, like rating and labeling photos and adding them to collections, that are not available to us in Mini Bridge. But for simply locating, previewing and opening images, the new Mini Bridge really shines.

Opening Mini Bridge

Since the whole purpose of Mini Bridge is to make finding and opening images fast and convenient, Adobe wanted to make sure that accessing Mini Bridge itself was also as convenient as possible, so they've added several different ways to get to it. If you have some time to kill, you can go up to the File menu at the top of the screen and choose the new Browse in Mini Bridge command:
The Browse in Mini Bridge command in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Go to File > Browse in Mini Bridge.
Or, you can go up to the Window menu, choose Extensions, and then choose Mini Bridge:
Choosing Mini Bridge from the Window > Extensions menu in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Go to Window > Extensions > Mini Bridge.
If you'd rather not take the scenic route, a faster way to open Mini Bridge is by clicking on the new Mini Bridge icon in the Application Bar at the top of the screen. You'll find it sitting beside the main Adobe Bridge icon:
The new Mini Bridge icon in the Application Bar in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
The Application Bar now contains a new Mini Bridge icon in Photoshop CS5.
Or, if the Mini Bridge panel is collapsed on your screen, simply click on its panel icon to open it:
The Mini Bridge panel icon in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Click the panel icon to open Mini Bridge. Click it again later to collapse it.

The Mini Bridge Home Page

Whichever way you choose to access it, Mini Bridge will open in the panel column along the right side of the screen:
The Mini Bridge set to the Home Page in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
The Mini Bridge as it first appears.
When you first open Mini Bridge, it displays the Home Page with a short welcome message, a Browse Files option and a Settings option. You won't spend much time on this screen, but you can return to it at any time if you need to by clicking on the Home Page icon (the small house) in the row of icons along the top:
The Home Page icon in Mini Bridge. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Use the Home Page icon at any time to return to the main Home Page.

Browsing Files

To browse through the files and folders on your computer, click on the Browse Files button. For Mini Bridge to work, we need to have the full Adobe Bridge CS5 program open and running in the background, but by default, Mini Bridge will open it automatically for us when we click the Browse Files button if it's not open already:
Clicking the Browse Files icon in Mini Bridge in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Click the Browse Files button to navigate through your files and folders.
Once we've selected Browse Files, the layout of the Mini Bridge panel changes, with the top half becoming the main folder navigation area and the bottom half becoming the area where we view and select the contents of the folder we've navigated to. Adobe refers to these areas as "pods", with the one on top being the Navigation Pod and the bottom one being the Content Pod:
The Mini Bridge in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
The main Mini Bridge layout.
The Navigation Pod takes up most of the space in the top half of Mini Bridge and is divided into two columns. The left column contains four main navigation headings - Favorites, which I currently have selected, as well as Recent Folders, Recent Files, and any Collections we've created in the full version of Bridge. As I mentioned earlier, we can't actually create Collections in Mini Bridge, but we can view any that we've already created. Clicking on any of these four main headings displays a related sub menu of choices in the right column. For example, with Favorites selected on the left, the right column is displaying the items that Adobe has gone ahead and selected for me as Favorites, like my Desktop, as well as my main Documents and Pictures folders:
The Navigation Pod in the Mini Bridge in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Choose a main navigation category on the left, then a sub folder or category from the menu on the right.
The Navigation Pod is limited to only two columns, so clicking on an item in the right column will display its contents in the Content Pod in the bottom half of the Mini Bridge panel. With my Pictures folder selected, we see that the Content Pod is displaying the sub folders that are inside my Pictures folder. To open folders in the Content Pod and view their contents, simply double-click on them. I'll double-click on the Places folder to open it:
Opening a folder inside the Content Pod in Mini Bridge. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Double-click on any folders in the Content Pod to open them.
Inside my Places folder is another folder named Beach. I'll double-click on it to open it:
Opening a sub folder in the Content Pod in Mini Bridge. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Continue double-clicking on folders in the Content Pod until you reach your images.
Finally, inside my Beach folder are my images, which appear in the Content Pod as small thumbnails with the file names listed below them, just like they'd appear in the full version of Bridge. Double-click on a thumbnail to open the image in Photoshop, or if the image is in the raw format, it will open inside the Camera Raw dialog box:
Image thumbnails in the Content Pod in Mini Bridge. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Double-click on any thumbnails to open the images.
By default, the Content Pod is a little too small to be of much use, so let's look at some ways to customize Mini Bridge. We'll do that next!

Navigating Through Folders

In the top left corner of Mini Bridge, above the Navigation Pod, are some options that help us navigate easily through the folders on our computer. Use the Browse buttons to move back and forth through your folder browsing history, just as you would in your favorite web browser:
The Browse icons in Mini Bridge in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Use the Back (left arrow) and Forward (right arrow) icons to move back and forth through your browsing history.
The icon to the right of the Browse buttons lets us quickly jump to any parent folder, or to any recently viewed folder or file. It also gives us another way to access our Favorites:
The Parent or Recent Files icon in Mini Bridge. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Quickly jump to any parent folder, or any recently viewed folder or file.

The Path Bar

One of the most helpful navigation tools in Mini Bridge, as well as in the full version of Adobe Bridge, is the Path Bar which runs along the top just above the Navigation Pod. The Path Bar shows us the complete path to our currently selected folder. For example, reading it from right to left, it's showing me that I'm currently viewing my Beach folder, which is inside my Places folder, which is inside my Pictures folder, and so on. Not only does the Path Bar display this information, but we can use it to jump instantly to any folder listed in the path simply by clicking on its name:
The Path Bar in Mini Bridge. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
The Path Bar shows us the complete path to the folder we're in, and lets us jump to any folder listed in the path.
If, for some reason, you'd rather not view the Path Bar, click on the Panel View icon in the top right of Mini Bridge, then click on Path Bar to deselect it. Click it again later to turn it back on. You can also choose to show or hide the Navigation Pod and Preview Pod from here. We haven't seen the Preview Pod yet since it's turned off by default, so I'll select it from the list:
The Panel View in Mini Bridge. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Use the Panel View menu to show or hide the Path Bar, Navigation Pod or Preview Pod.

The Preview Pod

The Preview Pod appears to the right of the Navigation Pod, effectively cutting the width of the Navigation Pod in half, and displays a preview of the image that's currently selected in the Content Pod. Problem is, the preview is too small to be of any real use, so it's usually best to leave the Preview Pod turned off and let the Navigation Pod use up the space. As we saw earlier, a better way to preview images is with the Preview option in the bottom right corner of the Content Pod:
The Preview Pod in Mini Bridge. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
The Preview Pod is great at taking up space but not much else. Best to leave it off.
To search for specific files, click on the Search icon (the magnifying glass) in the top right corner of Mini Bridge:
The Search option in Mini Bridge. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
Click on the magnifying glass to search for files.
And finally, if you need access to advanced features in the full version of Adobe Bridge CS5, click on the Adobe Bridge icon to quickly jump to it:
The Adobe Bridge icon in Mini Bridge. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
The full version of Adobe Bridge CS5 is always just a click away.
And there we have it!
Hope you can learn something new from this tutorial.
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Reference: photoshopessentials

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