Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Play School House

Create a rectangle using rectangular shape tool.

Press Ctrl+T. Right Click and select distort. Adjust the nodes to get the shape as shown.

Press and hold Alt key and keep pressing down arrow key to create 3D extrusion. Select and merge all the duplicate layers. Enable lock transparency pixels form the layer palette. Change the color. Move this layer below all the layers in layer order in layer palette.

Create a shape as shown using pen tool.

Create a rectangle using rectangular shape tool. Press Ctrl+T. Right Click and select distort. Adjust the nodes to get the shape as shown.

Similarly create other side and left wall as shown in the images below.

Create a rectangle using rectangular shape tool. Press Ctrl+T. Right Click and select Perspective. Adjust the nodes to get the shape as shown.

Double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply settings as shown.

Similarly add details by creating windows, door knob, garage door and whatever else is required.

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Reference: photoshop101

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