Friday, June 29, 2012

How to create pond ripples using adobe photoshop features and techniques

Great photoshop tutorial for web designers to learn new techniques and design new images and website templates which needs water ripple, pond or oean ripple , circular pattern photoshop tutorial or create adobe tutorial for waves or current.

[1] Take a new file of 400 pixels, 400 pixels, of resolution 72 dpi in the RGB mode.
[2] Take the Elliptical Marquee Tool.

[3]At the top left side create the circular selection and fill it with black color.
[4] Make the new layer, take the Polygonal Lasso Tool.

[5] And create the selection like is shown on the image
below and fill it with black color.
[6] And now make the copy of Layer1
as shown in image below.
[7] Your image should be look like this.
[8] And now select the layer1.
[9] Now select the Outer Glow Structure from
the Layer style and use the following settings.
[10] And now select the layer2.
[11] Now select the Outer Glow Structure from the
Layer style and use the following settings.
[12] And now select the Layer3.
[13] Now select the Outer Glow Structure from
the Layer style and use the following settings.
[14] Your image should be look like this.
[15] Press Cntl+Shift+E to merge down the layers.
[16] Go to Filter>Distort>ZigZag
use the following settings.
[17] Your image should be look like this.
[18] Go to Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation
apply the following settings.
[19] Your final image should be look like this.


Hope you enjoy it & learn something new from this tutorial.
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Thank you…
Reference: photoshopcamp

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