Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Create Winter Scene using Photoshop

Description: Learn and create a winter scene for your layouts and logo! A full designing tutorial we created devoted to a winter mood!!

1. On a new 600x600 canvas, fill in the background with a blue color. I used #009BD5.

2. With your Elliptical Marquee Tool , make a circle at the bottom left corner of your canvas. Then, press Shift and make another circle right next to it (overlap the circles). Do this until the entire bottom section is covered in overlapped circles.

View full image here.

3. Layer >> New >> Layer,
name it Layer 1, and fill in that selection with white on the new layer.

4. Right click on Layer 1 and Duplicate Layer. Change the opacity of Layer 1 copy to about 50% and move the layer up so its hows above Layer 1. Then, duplicate Layer 1 Copy and make that third layer's opacity about 20% and move that layer up until it shows above Layer 1 copy.

View full image here.

5. Layer >> New >> Layer and name it Layer 2. With the Elliptical Marquee Tool again, make a circle anywhere on the canvas.

View full image here.

6. Fill in that circle with white and deselection. Right click on Layer 2 in the Layers Palette, Duplicate Layer. With Layer 2 copy, go to Edit >> Transform >> Scale and make it 70% smaller than its original by changing the numbers in the white boxes at the top of the screen.

View Example here

7. Duplicate Layer 2 copy and repeat Step #6.

8. Move Layer 2 copy above Layer 2 and then move Layer 2 copy 2 above Layer 2. Now you should have a snowman.

9. Select Layer 2 copy 2, and press CTRL+E to merge it down with Layer 2 copy. Then, select Layer 2 copy and press CTRL+E to merge it down with Layer 2. Now your snowman is only on one layer. Move it down to the snow.

View full image here.

10. Layer >> New >> Layer and name it Layer 3. With the Polygonal Lasso Tool , make a sort of tree shape on your canvas.

11. Fill in the selection with white. Deselect. With your Magic Wand Tool , select the area around the tree. Then, go

to Select >> Modify >> Expand and set it to 2 pixels. Then, go to Select >> Modify >> Smooth and set it to 2 pixels also. Press Delete, Deselect, and now your tree looks smoother

12. Layer >> New >> Layer and name it Layer 4. With your Brush Tool , and several differently sized, rounded brushes, make little snow patterns in the sky. Don't overcrowd the sky, though.

view full image here

13. Right click on Layer 4 in your Layers Palette, duplicate it, and then move it around on the canvas. Repeat this about two more times, and change the opacity of some of the layers to about 70%-90% too. This step helps cuts back on your work to put snow in the sky. Snow in the sky is very important because snow is the main element of winter -- unless your in California!

View full image here

14. Layer >> Flatten Image and now you have a lovely Winter Scene to work with for Christmas.
View final here

You can use this method to create various template for december! Check this one out!

Check it! The one I did is a very simple layout I created in a few minutes. Please leave us a tag on this tutorial or comment on how we can make our tutorials better! Thanks for visiting our graphic design // tutorial website. We hope that our internet resources helped you in your goal..

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Reference: photoshopzilla

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