Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Colorful Plexi Text Effect using Photoshop

Create a New Document
Let’s start by creating a new document which is 900 x 900 pixels at a resolution of 300 pixels/inch, make sure Color Mode is set to RGB and name the document "A". In this tutorial we’ll create each letter in a different document
The First Letter
Fill the Background Layer with 55% gray. Get the Type Tool and type "A". Set font to a favorite of yours, i’m gonna use Bauhaus 93 font and gonna set font size to 200 pt. Set Text Color to 40% gray. Rename the layer as "Text", this will be important later
Create the Other Documents
As i said, we’ll create the letters one by one, and in different documents. Now go to Image > Duplicate, name the new document "W" and hit OK. Double click the "A" layer thumbnail and change the text to "W". Go to Image > Duplicate once more and name the new document "E". Double click the "W" layer thumbnail and change the text to"E"
and i set the Font size to 205pt for that one, because letter E is a little smaller in this font.
Go back to "A.psd" document. Because we’ll create the letters separately, recording what we’re doing for the first one using the Actions Palette is a good idea. Then we’ll play the action back for the other letters. Open the Actions Palette by going to Window > Actions. Open the Actions Palette Menu and choose New Set. Name the set "Glassy Text" and hit OK. Click the Create New Action button, name the action "Glassy" and hit Record
. The first thing we’ll do is to duplicate the "Text" layer and name it "Shadow". We’re going to need this layer later so make it invisible for now and drag it below the "Text" layer in the Layers Palette.
Rotate and Scale
Select the "Text" layer in the Layers Palette. Hit Command+T (Ctrl +T for Windows) and set the Rotation to 30 degrees and apply by hitting the Commit Transform button or double clicking inside the selection. Now hit Command+T again and set Vertical Scale to 60% and apply
Apply Gradient
Apply a Gradient Overlay Layer Style and use these settings: Gradient => Black, White, Blend Mode => Normal, Opacity => 50%, Style => Linear, Angle => 90 and Scale => 130
Organize Layers
Duplicate the "Text" layer, create a new layer on top and name it "Extrude". Select both "Extrude" and "Text copy" layer and merge them. Duplicate the merged "Extrude" layer and name it "Bottom"
Command-click the "Extrude" layer thumbnail to load the selection. Select this layer on the Layers Palette
as well. Make sure the Move Tool is selected in the Toolbox and holding down the Alt key press down arrow 75 times [make sure zoom is set to 100%, go to View > Actual Pixels to make it 100%] to extrude the text and deselect.
Bottom and Top
Duplicate the "Bottom" layer and name it "Top". Go back to "Bottom" layer, set Blend Mode to Multiply. Move the "Bottom" layer 75 pixels down (make sure the Move Tool is selected, holding down the Shift key, pressing the Down Arrow key will move it down 10 pixels, so do the math :)) and set Layer Opacity at 75%. Set Layer Opacity for the "Top" layer 90%
Add Some Color
Select "Top", "Bottom" and "Extrude" layers in the Layers Palette and hit Command+E to merge them. Name the merged layer "A1". Apply a Gradient Overlay Layer Style to "A1" layer using these settings: Gradient => Spectrum, Blend Mode => Overlay, Opacity => 30%, Angle => -180 degrees and Scale => 150%

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